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To “the document of approved form on sex reassignment” – through the federal clinical recommendations


“FtM Phoenix” Group welcomes scheduling for 2015-2016 development of federal clinical recommendations for gender identity disorders (F64), one of which is transsexualism (diagnosis F64.0 of ICD 10). [1]


Federal clinical recommendations for gender identity disorders will allow coming to consensus regarding the algorithm of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in transsexualism and, therefore, replacing invalid clinical guidelines “Models of diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders” by actual, valid all over the territory of the Russian Federation document. [2] Without development of federal clinical recommendations it is impossible to endorse “the document of approved form issued by the medical organization” absence of which over the period of 17 years causes difficulties in many transsexual people’s lives.


Representatives of the “FtM Phoenix” Group appreciate consensus reached with the Chief non-staff expert psychiatrist of Ministry of Health of Russia regarding the need to resolve all set of issues related to provision of medico-social care to patients with gender identity disorders, [3] as well as regarding the need to involve into development of federal clinical recommendations for gender identity disorders not only psychiatrists, sexologists and surgeons but also psychologists, lawyers and representatives of patients’ organizations. [4]



[1] The Letter of Chief non-staff expert psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 01-27/1870 dated 05.09.2014.

[2] The Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 13.12.2012 No. 1042 on recognition as invalid of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06.08.1999 No. 311 “On approval of the clinical guidelines “Models of diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders”.

[3] Provision of qualitative medical care to patients with GID (F64) in the Russian Federation. Policy brief. “FtM Phoenix” Group, 2014. http://aronbelkin.narod.ru/Inform-spravka-F64.pdf

[4] The Letter of Chief non-staff expert psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 01-27/1152 dated 26.05.2014.

Designed by Kirill Sabir on The 12th of September, 2014
Last update: 12/09/14 14:26